Talents on the List
Full Time Digital Marketer, Senior Account Manager
over 5 years experience
SEM , social media, facebook, online & offline media, video, KOL engagement etc.
在香港演藝學院、英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院和匈牙利李斯特音樂學院取得學士及碩士學位。教授聲樂、歌劇、阮、柳琴。可上門授課授課,亦能租各區琴房上課 ; 單人或多人以小組形式上課均可。
Graphic Design
Logo, Poster, Leaflet, Business Card, ig/fb post, Menu, Web design
Artistic video producer with extensive experience in video production and animation. Proficient in Maya and all aspects of design, production, installation, and sales of artistic creations.
Major in French Exchange student in France for 1 year MA in Translation
HKDI Fashion Design student
Poly U Fashion Design student
大膽創新 ! 大家好,我是插畫家Helen Cheng,曾經在澳洲昆士蘭科技大學修讀創意產業文憑。我有一個卡通帳戶叫Berrynnut,題目主要圍繞日常生活和笑話。我也會畫抽象和有故事的畫(手繪和電繪也有)。除了畫畫以外,我也善於文字創作和翻譯。
畢業於加拿大多倫多大學嘅Sarah T精通廣東話, 英語, 普通話, 西班牙語,現於皇家加勒比郵輪擔任司儀工作。有活動需要司儀或者即場翻譯工作,請聯絡Sarah ! I'm a former cruise staff on Royal Caribbean and host a variety of shows, such as trivia's and game shows, onboard cruise ships around the world.
主持迪士尼特約舞蹈巡遊表演, 康文署註冊爵士舞教練, CSTD舞蹈考試保送導師, 香港傳藝中心BTEC英國國家高級文憑課程表演藝術系畢業生, 曾合作機構包括王仁曼芭蕾舞學校、維多利亞幼稚園、保良局、東華三院、亞洲電視及華納兄弟娛樂公司等。
Show off your most updated artworks/ status. Terminate or suspend the service at any time.
Your clients will contact you directly, and we will never charge any commissions or fees.
Searched out by your potential clients who are already close to you. It may reduce your traveling cost.
Couldn't be easier!
◎To provide an online platform which enables better use of human resources for the society.
◎To promote operational efficiency by introducing resources that are otherwise idle.
◎To efficently match supply and demand for skills and talents.
◎To allow the continual development of traditional skills.