I' ve been working in Flint Ideas Design Printing Limited since its open. I set up the business along with my boss both online and offline. We successfully acquire a few factories in both China and Thailand.
Here's little description of the business so that you can better understand me and my abilities.
制服 2. 制服訂造 3. 印衫印tee Polo恤
反光衣 7護士制服圍裙Cap帽訂造風褸風褸訂造 籃球衫 16. 田徑衫 17. 單車衫 18. 龍舟衫 19. 手球 20. 羽毛球衫
21. 乒乓波衫 22. 飛鏢衫 23. 布袋訂造 24. 棒球褸 25. 西裝制服
26. 冷衫 西褲 28. 班衫