• To follow all projects(design and materials) from concept through production
• Oversee the printing process and liaise with printers and other vendors to ensure the production of high-quality printed materials
• Collaborate with clients, the marketing team, and vendors to develop and execute branding concepts, from inception through production and across various marketing materials.
• Create 3D renderings for use in exhibitions and events
• Create 2D design for Social media, Brochure, Leaflet, Poster etc
無論係廣告設計(海報、傳單、燈片、易拉 架),包裝設計(盒、袋、貼紙)、卡片、餐 牌、書本排版等等 我都可以幫你做到 一條龍服務,幫你搵埋印刷公司印埋都得 價錢每iod計,歡迎Dm我報價!
畫家 painter | 心靈浮繪 為你畫出靈魂的圖畫
靈魂療癒師 Spiritual Healer | 連接靈魂,閱讀生命能量訊息,為你療癒心靈的創傷